Packing Paranoia

I'm packing my bags and I've gotten to that point where I've packed everything on my list and I'm pretty confident that I have everything...but I'm still walking around and worried that I've forgotten something. What about this box of crayons? This nerf gun? What if I get over there and find out I actually need them, this would be the moment of regret.

Nah...I'm pretty sure I'm good. I only have one bag and a backpack and there's still room for more stuff though, which makes me think I'm not taking enough.

There are currently two things that I'm fearing for this trip. The first is that I'll get lost at an airport. I don't asking for help and I don't like looking like I need help, so I usually just take a guess and hope that I'm right. Let's hope that doesn't get me into any trouble. The second thing is that I'll get robbed while I'm there or otherwise lose my money or luggage.

I bought some cheap decoy wallets that I'm currently filling with religious quotes about stealing....translated into Ukrainian of course. I hope a pickpocket takes one.

After this I'm going to spend the rest of my time here playing video games and listening to my language tapes which I have regretfully set aside for way too long....and watch the hockey game.

I do not plan on sleeping tonight as I have to be at the airport by 4:00 AM. Hopefully I will be so tired that I sleep for most of my flight over the Atlantic. If there are movies on the plane, then I'll be spending tomorrow like a typical day off, sleeping and watching movies.


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