3 Weeks In...

Well, well...not much internet these days so its hard to keep up with everything. I dont mind this though because Im actually starting to dislike the internet. It keeps everyone so distant and prevents people here from having real experiences. Unfortunately, this also means I havent really had a conversation with anyone from back home for about 10 days now, and its weird being disconnected from home.

Eventually, we did get out to the streets to fight the rain. This turned out to be really good because it was Constitution Day in Ukraine and there was a big concert in Maidan, the streets were all lit up and it was great walking around, smoking shishah and playing new games with new friends.

I then finally got to see the statue of the Lady, which is over 100 m tall and quite a site because the entire area is surrounded by classic gigantic Soviet-era statues. I then led our group on a one hour detour of Southern-Kyiv. Some may say that I was lost, but perhaps I was just enjoying the view. We then returned back to our flat for a surprise party thrown for us by AIESEC Kyiv.

After this, we were invited to a Festival about an hour outside Kyiv. This turned out to be a genuine hippy festival, although without alcohol it was a toned-down version. Still, half-naked people dancing in the rain, sitting around firepits singing on guitars, indie music, and black and white short-films being shown were enough for me to enjoy the weekend. It rained the entire time we were there and we ended up sleeping 6 people in a 4-person tent, but its all part of the experience. I celebrated Canada Day wearing my Team Canada hockey jersey while in a random field in the Ukraine. Good Times.

Now, were back and we have 12 people sleeping in our flat and 8 beds...so it should be fun figuring out how this all works. I feel as though this could be frustrating because I think we are still coping with culture shock and any change like this could frustrate us.

Times will still be good though. Tomorrow is a global village and also my birthday, so it will be fun.


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