Rain in the Ukraine

While the first week here was ridiculously hot and humid, it's turned to cold weather and rain for the last 5-6 days. Unfortunately this postponed the Global Village that we were supposed to run yesterday, but hopefully we will get to do it tomorrow.

Staying in hasn't been a bad time though, as we've gotten a chance to get to know eachother and all the news interns that are arriving. I arrived with 5 others here and then there was only me and one other for a few days...but now we have 9 currently living here and more on the way. Hopefully we will get the chance to show them the beautiful center of Kyiv instead of the cold Soviet architecture that surrounds our apartment.

Today I hope to get a chance to see a statue of a lady that is taller than the statue of liberty. Pictures to follow hopefully)


Mom said...

Sounds like enough people to celebrate your birthday on Sunday!! xoxox

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